June 10, 2016


Yesterday it was windy here. I went out to feed my pond fish and found my pond was missing about 1/4 of the water. In the center of the pond I have a pump that sprays water into the air. Because it was so windy the water being shot into the air was blown onto the grass. Over a few hours my pond had lost a lot of water.

I pulled out the garden hose and began refilling the pond. I then got down on my knees to lower the spout of the pump so it wouldn't spray so high and let the wind steal my water. As leaned over and reached for the spout, I lost my balance and took the plunge! It was pretty cold! The days high was only 16° so the water was chilly to say the least. I'm sure I shocked the fish as well as myself.

While I was in there I adjusted the spray at little too low. Once the pond had been filled again I realized the spray was below the surface. As the pond finished filling I changed into dry clothes. Going out to turn the water off I realized I set the spout a little too low but I was warm and dry so that's how I left it.

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