June 18, 2016


This morning as always I began checking on MLFR. Everyone is always hungry in there. In one tank I have a breeder box holding Red Empress fry and Elongotus fry -  about 25 fry in total. They will soon be released into a larger tank. The tank they are presently in also contains fry from previous broods and a tumbler with my youngest. The Yellow Labs are almost free swimmers now. The remainder of this 20 gallon grown out is home to Auratus fry and Dragon blood fry. These two are about 5-6 weeks old now.

My jumping beans and the mom I have holding are pretty much the same age. I'll be stripping her as soon as the tumbler babies are free swimming. Then I will put those two broods together in a breeding box for a couple weeks so I can watch closely how they are eating. I really feel it's important to start the free swimmers in a breeder box. It's much easier to follow their progress and they can find the food with less effort when it's a smaller area than putting them right into an open tank. This has worked well for me.

In my display tanks everyone is always hungry. Everyone looks well. I have noticed there is a little Red Empress holding in my juvenile tank. I saw her last night long after feeding so I know she's not just holding pellets. Although that can be deceiving. It's always best to check of holding moms later in the day or just before lights out. You should check a couple different times making sure she's holding  them well. Once that's established you begin to count 7-10 days before moving her. This I have found to be the best time to make the move. It can be stressful and if moved to soon you risk of them spitting in a panic. Giving them those few days to adjust to this new experience helps them bond with their brood and allows that protective instinct to kick in.

My "For Sale" tank is doing well. After selling of 8 large cichlids I added a few Red Top Zebras. Moving on to my 75, everyone is looking great. I did a water change and rescaped yesterday so there's a little confusion as to who owns what. Things have settled down and there are some pairs getting acquainted. I'm sure there will be some spawning going on soon as I have seen at least 3 couples paring of and dancing. I believe this morning I have an Electric Blue Fryeri holding. In 7-10 I'll move her into a brooding tank if she proves to be holding eggs and not pellets. Pellets just don't hatch well!

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