While I was doing my morning rounds - checking on MLFR I noticed one of my filters wasn't running. I'm not sure what happened to it but it was hot to touch so I assumed the motor is fried. I had enough filtration on that tank but need a new back up filter as my back up died too. I do have a couple extra sponge filters so that's what I used until I can pick one up. Other then that everyone is doing great.
I have 2 holding females sharing a 10 gallon tank which I have divided in two so they each have their own space. One mom is a Dragon Blood and the other is an Electric Blue Fryeri. I'm really excited about her. I haven't had EBF babies yet. It's a first for this pair as well so I'm hoping she does well. So far she seems to be holding fine. As for Dragon Bloods, I have a brood of fry that are only a couple weeks old in another tank. They are prolific breeders I can tell you that.
In my hospital tank I still have "Shredder" my German Red Shoulder. He somehow got beaten pretty bad. His fins were shredded and he was missing a whack of scales as well. He's done a week of Melafix tomorrow. I will probably send him back to the layover tank. Hopefully he'll be okay now that he's all healed up. Besides I need the tank he's in. I have to do a complete clean so I can set it up for my next mom. I have another EBF holding in the main tank. I'll give her a good week before I relocate her.

In my last 10 gallon I have about 20 RedTop Zebras that I need to move. I was going to take them in over the weekend but with gardening and the nice weather, my outdoor chores had to come first. I will post them and see what happens.
In my 20 gallon grow-out I have a brood of Auratus and Dragon Bloods who are about 2-3 weeks old. In the corner of that aquarium I have a breeder box with Elongatus and Red Empress fry. In my 30 gallon grow-out I have about 30 Red Top Zebras, 10 Albino RedxReds, 4 Dolphins that I purchased and in the corner of that aquarium I have my tumbler with about 15 Yellow Labs wigglers.
I have lots of work to do tomorrow in My Little Fish Room. Water changes all the way around, completely clean one of the 10's and doing a little juggling as well. I'm going to be needing my other 10 gallon soon so I may have to set up one of my empty 40 gallon tanks in the basement. I only use them if I have an excess of fry - which I do!
I have 2 holding females sharing a 10 gallon tank which I have divided in two so they each have their own space. One mom is a Dragon Blood and the other is an Electric Blue Fryeri. I'm really excited about her. I haven't had EBF babies yet. It's a first for this pair as well so I'm hoping she does well. So far she seems to be holding fine. As for Dragon Bloods, I have a brood of fry that are only a couple weeks old in another tank. They are prolific breeders I can tell you that.

In my last 10 gallon I have about 20 RedTop Zebras that I need to move. I was going to take them in over the weekend but with gardening and the nice weather, my outdoor chores had to come first. I will post them and see what happens.
In my 20 gallon grow-out I have a brood of Auratus and Dragon Bloods who are about 2-3 weeks old. In the corner of that aquarium I have a breeder box with Elongatus and Red Empress fry. In my 30 gallon grow-out I have about 30 Red Top Zebras, 10 Albino RedxReds, 4 Dolphins that I purchased and in the corner of that aquarium I have my tumbler with about 15 Yellow Labs wigglers.

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