June 20, 2016


This is Daddy EBF
I checked on MLFR this morning and decided I would go ahead and strip my Electric Blue Fryeri. She had been holding long enough that her fry should be free swimming and I really hate seeing the moms not eating for that long.

I stripped her of about 20 fry. I didn't get a clear count but that's close enough. They look healthy and wiggle like crazy but they still have slight egg sacks on them yet. I decided to put them in a tumbler for a few days until their egg sacks are completely absorbed. I will let their mom recuperate in the 10 gallon tank until the weekend.

When I do my water changes on Friday I will remove the two females that are holding and put them into the last mom's brooding tank using a divider to give them each their own space. The same time the new moms come up she will have to return to her community. The new mom's are a Red Empress juvenile and the other is another Electric Blue Fryeri.

This is one of my Red Empress juveniles
Checking on my display tanks it really hit me today how much my juveniles have grown. They are still only an 1.5" but they are already showing colours. It's so exciting seeing them develop into young adults. They are beginning to breed as well. Sometimes they don't find that mothering instinct before they spit or swallow their fry but I think first timers are often like that. In my experience it seems to go that way.

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