Today I had to go out and pick up another test pack for my Nitrate as mine was empty. I went to three different stores and they were out at all of them. I ended up getting the Nitrate test by NutraFin. It's fine. There's a little more to it than the API test kit. The NutraFin has three bottles of solution. It's a light purple/pink colour but as long as it tells me what I need to know I guess I'm happy.

Of course being out at an aquarium store I had to check out the fish. I ended up bringing home four more fish. I picked up two (Placidochromis Milomo) VC-10's and two (Chromobotia Macracanthus) Clown Loaches. I've wanted to get a couple clown loaches for a while so I was happy they had some and the VC-10's were just a whim.
A little trivia on the VC-10's - They were given the name VC-10 by a pair of brothers from Florida who where one of the first exporters of Cichlids from Africa to America back in the early 70's. They were named after the airplanes that were mostly used in Africa at that time. The word Milomo translated from the Chewa language means lips because this species has very thick lips. They are from Lake Malawi although unlike most Cichlids they like being on their own.
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