June 14, 2016



Last night I posted an add in Kijiji to sell some of my cichlids. I have quite a few I need to sell - from fry to 5" and many different species. I'm running out of room and want to begin by selecting all the ones I plan on keeping and separating them from the ones I plan on selling.


I emptied out my hold-over tank into two groups. Keepers and seller..Having them in 5 gallon pails I began doing a water change on my 75 and caught the ones in there that I plan on selling. Once the water was removed and my python was working hard to refill I added the keepers from my lay-over tank. I have a few more cichlids in my 75 now but they are much smaller so I can't see there being a problem. My biggest issue was deciding which I was keeping and which I was willing to sell.
SP #44

I have all the sellers in my lay-over tank now. In there I have 3 OB Peacocks, 5 OB Zebras, 4 Albino Red Zebras, 3 Haps, 4 Yellow Labs and 1 SP#44. That will make some room for my larger juveniles to move up to the lay-over tank and room for my oldest fry to join the juvenile community.


It's been an interesting day. It amazes me how attached I have gotten to certain cichlids. I caught a couple to sell but, ended up re-catching them and keeping them. It's very hard to let go of my babies.

These are a few of the cichlids I'm selling. I have a couple people interested so I'm hoping to sell them quickly. Once these are gone I will start working to sell my fry.

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