June 10, 2016


I shared a couple posts back that my clown loaches had disappeared. I was quite concerned and had no idea where they went. Sharing a video on YouTube I had some helpful comments leading me to believe they were still there but were hiding. Apparently, clown fish (like many fish) are shy, they don't like bright lights and they like crawling into tight spaces to hide.

I cleaned out my entire tank and could not find them anywhere. I removed everything this time including my UV sterilizer. As I grabbed it out popped my three missing clown loaches! I couldn't believe my eyes. They were hiding in the output tube. Two of the clowns looked fine but the one had scraped his head and chin area.

I was so happy I had found them. I adjusted the output tube on my UV sterilizer so they shouldn't get in there again. I also added a pipe for them to hide in. It's actually a piece of intake tubing from my HOB filter. I drilled a hole into it added a suction cup and then stuck it against the back glass of the tank. I placed it on a 45° angle. I was hoping the clowns would use it but my curious cichlids found it first. I also added a couple little jugs I picked up at the Thrift Store as hides as well. It seems the cichlids have taken them over as well.

Watching the clowns, they do seem happy, merrily swimming around. My cichlids do not bother with them and I have a feeling they are getting used to their surrounding not having the need to hide like they did.

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