June 13, 2016


Today I had lots of juggling to do in MLFR (my little fish room). I do water changes on my fish room tanks a couple times a week. Usually Mondays a littler more in depth than on Thursdays. I only do twice a week changes on my grow-out tanks because of the high number of fry.

This morning I began with Shredder. He's my Red Shoulder who was beaten up and had is fins shredded. He spent 7 days in a treatment tank of Melafix. He's looking much better so I returned him to his community.

Once we was moved out I did a major clean on the tank, vacuuming the substrate and removing everything to give it a good clean. Once it was ready I went fishing.

In my 30 gallon grow out tank I had 50 Red Top Zebras, 9 Albino Red Zebras and 4 dolphins. I moved the Albinos and Dolphins into the newly vacated 10 gallon tank. I am keeping the Dolphins and not sure about the Albinos yet as I have about 4 juveniles already.

I did a good water change and substrate clean on the 30 gallon which is holding my 50 Red Top Zebras. They are 3 months old now. To that group I added 30 Red Top Zebras from a 10 gallon tank that are a little older. Now I have 80 RTZ in my 30 gallon grow out. They are ready do go now but, if I don't sell some this week I'll have to take some in to the aquarium store just to thin the herd so to speak.

Once the 10 gallon tank was free of RTZ I did a good clean, water change and vacuum on it. Now it's empty and ready for either an injury or a new mom. We'll see. My Electric Blue has been at it again so I'm expecting to see his lady holding soon.

That left my 20 gallon grow out and my 10 gallon holding my two brooding moms. I didn't bother the moms as they need peace and quiet and there's no need to bother them anyway. I didn't do much with the 20 gallon either. In there I have Auratus and Dragon Blood fry about 1 month old. I also have a breeder box in the top corner holding a brood of Red Empress fry and Elongatus fry. They are about 2 weeks now. Finally in the bottom corner are my tumbling baby Yellow Labs. Those little wigglers are just amazing! Everyday they change.

I have quite a variety of fry on hand right now. Only the Red Top Zebras are ready to go. There are some people who don't mind buying fry as young as 1 month but I prefer to give them at least a 2 month start before I let them go.

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