January 11, 2016


Cichilds are a unique fish set apart from all other freshwater aquarium fish. They are the most intelligent by far. They recognize their caregivers and come to greet you when you approach the tank.. When I sit before my aquarium watching them it's not long before they are all joining me at the glass watching me right back. The are so funny and actually interactive with each other and me. If I put my fingers in the tank they come and nibble and poke to see what I'm doing. Usually looking for snacks but I like to think they just like me!

Cichlids not only claim and defend their territory but actually rearrange it until it suits them. They are hard working and take pride of ownership of their homes. They display mating rituals, by dancing and shaking in an effort to attract their mate. The males work hard preparing a home or brooding area for their future Mrs.hoping to attract her by his actions, colour changes and hard work.

All Cichlids are parental in that they care for their young as parents working together. They defend their territory and protect their own from outsiders. The females lay their eggs and then pick them up and carry them in their mouths until they hatch. The fry are released and kept herded together by both parents. If their is danger present the mother will scoop up her little ones into her mouth until the danger passes.

Because Cichlids are territorial they can be aggressive in defending their homes, sometimes to the point of serious injury or even death. When setting up a Cichlid aquarium it's important to glean as much information as to their requirements so they will have ample room to thrive and establish their own territories with out too much rivalry.

Cichlids come in a multitude of colours, sizes, personalities and are so diverse they are a joy to watch and care for. I'm learning more and more about them everyday. I find them fascinating and love to share what I learn and my own experiences as I explore and develop this new hobby of mine.