January 27, 2016


Each morning I begin my day feeding my pets. After the furry ones are taken care of I move on the my Cichlids. As I feed them I  observe each tank for 15-20 minutes just enjoying them and checking for anything I need to be aware of. 

In my fish-room which is also my sewing-room I have 3 tanks, My 30 gallon tank is home to my New World Cichlids - 3 Parrots, 1 Oscar, 2 Convicts,2 new Angel fish, and I added a tiny catfish and a baby pleco. This tank is awesome. It gives me so much pleasure as these fish are funny to look at, full of personality and interactive.

Then there's my 20 gallon tank which is presently home to 3 pond goldfish. I use this tank for many things. The graduated fry move into there once they are bigger, quarantine for sick or weak fish or a recouping tank for mom's who need to gain some weight. I keep the fish in it and keep the tank active so it's always ready. I only need to heat up the water and move the goldfish. The goldfish belong in my pond but being in CANADA they would freeze pretty quick as my pond isn't deep enough for them. The rest I have in a tank in the basement.

Next is my brooding tank where my African Cichlid Stella is in holding mode right now. She's doing really well. I fixed up her tank and she's quite happy swimming through the rocks and tube I added for her enjoyment. 

My 55 gallon tank resides in our living-room. This tank is my favorite right now but once I get my 70 gallon tank up and running I'm sure it will become my favorite. Right now I have 3 males creating brooding areas. There doesn't seem to be any competition between them. It amazes me how hard they work and how much gravel they move. I can't tell you how much I love my Cichlids. Their beautiful diverse colours, personalities and intelligence will captivate you.