January 10, 2016


This is my New World Cichlids tank. In here I have 5 fish. 3 Blood Parrots, 1 Oscar and 1 Black Convict. I find the NW Cichlids aren't as aggressive as their African counterparts. It's always best to give them more room so they can each pick a territory. Keeping your number of fish down is essential to their well-bieng and happiness. My 5 in this tank get along really well. I have no fighting or bullying. I can sit for hours just watching them interact. They are very social and come watch me as I watch them. I do intend on adding a few more once I repair their original tank. Over Christmas it started leaking. I plan on re-sealing it soon. When I do that I will consider adding a few more fish. I have read some things online but there is much less on South American Cichlids than African. I believe that advice is crucial to being a successful aquarist but we also learn by trial and error.