January 14, 2016


In setting up your aquarium and designing your landscape, it's crucial to make sure it will not tumble down and injure your fish. Even when you think you have things nice and solid your Cichlids may have other ideas.

I use larger flag stones that are easy to layer creating lots of nooks, crannies and caves but I still have to set them securely. I dig my base stones deep into the gravel, giving the upper stones a solid foundation to build on.

This photo shows you my newly set up African Cichlid 55 gallon tank.

My Cichlids, especially the larger ones are amazing little contractors and hard workers in digging out their purposed brooding areas. They like a smooth bottom and will scoop up mouthfuls of gravel or sand spitting it outside their renovated home. It's amazing to watch how long and hard they work.

Here you can see how Bubba has been working
hard digging his brooding area for the Mrs.

Finally - This is Stella, Bubba's mate. Bubba pursued Stella vigorously for a bit but she finally accepted his advances. She follows him around proud to have caught the big boy in the neighborhood.