I continue to learn something new everyday when it comes to caring for my Cichlids. I found as much information as I could to help me on my way. I had no idea Cichlids were so popular but I've found there are millions of Cichlid aquarists out there all willing to impart their knowledge and share their passion.
From what I had been reading many prefer sand to gravel in their tanks. I loved the look of the white sand so I decided that's the way I'd go too. Cichlids are also very active, like to dig and actually roll in the sand. These activities send bursts of sand floating in the water. It settles quickly enough so that was no problem.
Over the next couple months I was finding my filters getting louder. They seemed to have a grinding noise to them actually to the point of irritating me. During my bi-weekly water change I would clean my filter system and replace the filters. It just seemed my filters needed to be cleaned more and more often.
I tried trouble shooting this issue but I was already doing everything I found as suggested. Finally I decided I had to change the sand to gravel. The tiny particles of sand were getting into the filter causing the grinding sounds.
Over this weekend I purchased gravel and got busy with this job. I did the 30 gallon tank first. It took me a couple hours but it came together nicely and I had the job done in a couple hours. The Cichlids adjusted without issue. I saved all their water and only needed a few gallons to top it up. Immediately I could tell this was going to be much better for the noise. The tank is now whisper quiet and the tank looks just as beautiful.
My next job was switching out the sand in the 55 gallon tank. A bigger job but not a problem. It took me a few hours. In this tank I have 20 assorted African Cichlids. I moved them into a holding tank while I worked. I only had to top the tank up with 20 gallons as I saved all the water I could. I also like to change the landscape every-time I do a water change. This seems to keep things interesting for the fish and also put everyone on even ground again as to choosing their homes.

Finally my work was done and I felt much better. The filters I use are Marineland Bio-wheel Power Filters which hang on the back of the tank. I find the gravel made all the difference in the world. I'm so happy I made the change. My tanks look great and I have solved the noise issue.
From what I had been reading many prefer sand to gravel in their tanks. I loved the look of the white sand so I decided that's the way I'd go too. Cichlids are also very active, like to dig and actually roll in the sand. These activities send bursts of sand floating in the water. It settles quickly enough so that was no problem.

I tried trouble shooting this issue but I was already doing everything I found as suggested. Finally I decided I had to change the sand to gravel. The tiny particles of sand were getting into the filter causing the grinding sounds.

My next job was switching out the sand in the 55 gallon tank. A bigger job but not a problem. It took me a few hours. In this tank I have 20 assorted African Cichlids. I moved them into a holding tank while I worked. I only had to top the tank up with 20 gallons as I saved all the water I could. I also like to change the landscape every-time I do a water change. This seems to keep things interesting for the fish and also put everyone on even ground again as to choosing their homes.

Finally my work was done and I felt much better. The filters I use are Marineland Bio-wheel Power Filters which hang on the back of the tank. I find the gravel made all the difference in the world. I'm so happy I made the change. My tanks look great and I have solved the noise issue.