It's time to consider moving Stella to a brooding tank. Recommendations are that the holding female be moved between the 7-10 day mark. It's the time where she is least likely to spit the fry out as she has held them long enough to have bonded with holding them and the best time for the fry as they could sustain injury or being swallowed moving the female too late.
Today I moved Stella into

her own brooding tank. This tank is one of 2 small tanks I use for brooding females, or at times just isolation when necessary. She is being moved from a 55 gallon. She has been sticking to a small corner of the bigger tank so she's not really losing any space. I figure she will be totally stress free on her own. Although Finn my cat has decided sitting on her tank is his new sleep spot. I've put a light layer of course sand down and gave her some rocks and an eve-trough elbow to swim through to keep her entertained. Now that she's moved and settled it's just a waiting game.
Looking closely at Stella's jaw you can see the fry. The dark area are her fry. I can see them wiggling inside when I look closely. Can't imagine how that must feel.