January 25, 2016


I have decided to ensure a higher survival rate of Stella's young I will be moving her to a separate broodingg tank. I want her stress free and mothering a large healthy brood. This will give me the best possible results.

The tank I will be moving Stella to is a 10 gallon tank. I have a white sand substrate in the tank. I've had trouble with sand interfering with the impeller in all my aquariums causing them to grind and be very loud. Since then I have removed the sand and replaced it with pea-gravel. That fixed the sound problem but I still prefer the look of the clean white sand.

Having the internet is such an amazing and helpful tool. You can find forums, videos, Q&A pages and so much help anytime you run into a problem or need advice - not just on Cichlids but on pretty much anything you can think of.

Having my sand/grinding/noise problem I did a search and talked to a couple different people getting advice for this issue. Of course after I removed the sand I was told raising the filter intake tube could be all that's needed. Because the Cichlids like to dig and stir up the sand, tiny particals were getting sucked into my filter impeding the impellers rotation and causing the noise.

Yesterday I picked up a new bag of sand that seems to be a little coarser. I'm hoping this will work. Changing the substrate is a huge job so I'm not going to tackle that anytime soon but if this sand works out then in my next setup I will use it again.

Stella gets to test out this sand in her very own brooding aquarium. So far Stella is looking happy even though she looks like she's pouting. Inside she is all smiles!