January 29, 2016



Yesterday I was out and about doing errands with my final being stop being the aquarium shop. I had intended to stop in for a few things but came home with more than intended.

I bought 2 of these guys
I made my list, a heater, couple thermometers, cichlid flakes and whatever else I came across that I needed. I ended up at the fish display
and picked up a few more. I watched the cichlids in their tank for a bit to see
which ones I thought would fit into my group at home. I was watching this one fish. He was so pretty, a metallic blue. In his tank there was another fish. I at first thought it was dead. I asked the aquarist to move the floating plant so I could see them together. I quickly found out why the other fish was hiding. They metallic blue was mean.
2 Electric Yellows and a BumbleBee
At first I moved on but I kept coming back to look at him. I decided to bring him home. I bought 5 others as well.

Introducing the 6 to my tank went well. All the others seemed to melt right in without a problem. MetalMan (his new name) soon found himself on the other end of the bully chain. I had a feeling my guys would put him in his place. I've watched for a while this morning and there are a couple that still chase after him but with all the caves and nooks he's fine. I'm sure things will settle for him soon enough. Nothing wrong with walking in someone else's shoes eh?

MetalMan is about 2 inches but the others are smaller. They have some growing to do.