January 10, 2016


Being new to the world of Cichlids - I'm learning fast and have fallen in love with these unique, vibrant, funny fish. 

I've had fish tanks as long as I can remember.  Mostly sticking with tropical fish, at times guppies, goldfish and more. When we moved, I gave my tanks to my grandchildren encouraging them to join me in this passion. It's been a couple years now and I realized how much I've missed my love for aquariums and the beauty they provide.

I decided to do some investigating on something new.  I began reading about Cichlids. Well I was quickly hooked. These fish are amazing. They have personalities, are interactive with people and each other and develop boundaries within their tank. It's really amazing to watch. Cichlids have become such a fascination that you can find information, videos and forums to help you with all your questions as you develop your hobby.

As I said, I'm fairly new to Cichlids only being involved with them for a few months. Presently I have two active Cichlids tanks. My smaller tank is 30 gallons and contains 5 New World Cichlids. I have 3 Blood Parrots, 1 Oscar and a Black Convict in this tank. 

My African Cichlid tank is 55 gallon and is housing 20 assorted fish. They range for 1" - 4" in size. Happily the seem to get along really well.

My largest tank is 70 gallons,  Presently it's the home of my pond fish. Once the winter months pass and I can release them back outside into my pond I will make it my newest Cichlid addition. 

I welcome you to join me in this new adventure. The amazing world of Cichlids.