July 7, 2016


I have plans tomorrow so I figured I get the big tank done tonight. It's amazing to she them so frisky after a simple water change. I replaced 50% of the water. While my python did it's thing I washed the glass, removed my hard scape and vacuumed. Finishing up at about the same time, I started the refill process while I rescaped the tank. I love doing that. Today I used more rocks than I normally do. I just felt like they needed a change.

Now here I sit watching them enjoy their new scape. I am seeing 4 couples shaking it up. I really don't want that many fry so I'm hoping it's just a fresh water party and nothing more. I already have 4 females holding as it is. I do have one empty tank that I could use but I don't like being without an emergency tank just in case. If anyone else is holding in the next couple weeks I'll leave them until they are free swimming fry and then probably strip them. Not sure on that yet. I do love using my tumblers. I have 100% success rate with them.

I'm going to be anxious until I get up tomorrow and check on them. Today I found another little female red empress holding. I'm just keeping an eye on her for now. I love my babies glad I don't have to pay for diapers!

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