August 11, 2016


Yesterday I was out with mom. I take mom shopping and  we do her running around once a week. It's my way of helping out and it's a good time for us to spend the day together.

When I got home, of course I checked on my fish tanks. In my Haps and Peacocks tank I noticed I have two more females holding. When I left there was only one. This is a good thing because as the females reveal themselves I will be moving them out of the tank they are in. My goal is to make that a male only community. I do intend to keep breeding cichlids but I want to be in control of that process. I want to choose who breeds with who.

The females will be going into a 40 gallon aquarium. I don't intend on keeping too many females so I think the 40 will work for this. It's not really recommended to keep cichlids in anything less than a 55 gallon as they do grow to a fair size and are considered an aggressive species that do better with more room.

I just set up my 40 gallon for the female community. I had everything I needed to get it set up but I
don't like the light I have to use. It will do until I get an LED. The old style lights just don't cute it when you are used to the LED light bars. I used substrate that I removed from this tank before. It hasn't been washed. I am also using the HOB filter that is also well used and hasn't been touched. I am sure I'll have a sufficient bacteria to accommodate the few females I plan on moving over. For decor I used a few of the rocks I picked up at the stone mason's place and I had a couple really ugly plants so I used them. They are super fake looking but they will brighten up the tank since the females are as colourful.

Tomorrow when I do my water changes I will be moving the first few females into their new home. I will begin with the three holding in my H/P tank. I have a few I know for sure that are females so I will probably get them moved as well. Eventually I plan on selling many of the females and bring in new species to breed.

I'm really excited to get started and probably won't sleep well because the hamster will be running a muck! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!!

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