August 9, 2016


This morning it was time to do a little work in my little fish room. (MLFR) I had been watching some videos on breeding and raising goldfish/pond fry. I have about 10 tiny goldfish in one of my 10 gallon tanks along with 27 Dragon Blood fry that I just moved over from a tumbler they were in.

 I learned that the two should not be together only after I had already moved my cichlids into the tank with the pond fry. It's not good for them to be together because of the temperature difference. Hearing that, I thought it was going to be difficult to move the fry. As it turned out my cichlid fry are very quick and stick to the bottom of the tank. Whereas the goldfish are all throughout the tank much closer to the surface. This made the pond fry very easy to catch with a little net. I couldn't see them in the net but dipping it into the little tub I was using I quickly saw them swim off the netting.

In a few minutes I had the pond fry in their own tank and my cichlids in their own tank. I added some more pond lettuce to the goldfish fry tank so they would feel sheltered and at home. The cichlids much prefer the rocks to hide among. I counted the pond fry I moved and there were 10 so if any more show up they will have come in with the new lettuce.

I then cleaned out the Dragon Blood fry tank making it clean and fresh for them. I did quick water changes and vacuumed the remaining tanks and felt I was all caught up with my duties.

I stripped the Yellow Lab that was holding my my Mbuna tank. She was holding just over 7 days. Her brood was 25 wigglers with tails and heads already out. Another week in the tumbler and they will be joining the Dragon Blood fry in their 10 gl.

 Recapping MLFR

- 30 gl Red Top Zebra (4 mths) - 20 gl Auratus fry & Dragon Blood mystery fry (2 mths) - 10 gl Electric Blue fry, Red Empress fry & Elongatus fry (6 wks) - 10 gl Albino Red Zebras, Yellow Lab and Albino Red & more Electric Blue - 10 gl Dragon Blood fry - 10 gl Pond fry - Small Tumbler Yellow Lab wigglers.

MLFR is a very busy place and I have had a busy day....

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